Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Obama's Benghazi Spin Doesn't Pass the Sniff Test

Are "acts of terror" the same as "terrorist attacks"? Who cares? The reality is that, knowing what had really gone down in Benghazi, for days and, yes, weeks, afterward, Obama and his minions were still insistent that the "acts" were the result of spontaneous mob violence due to an offensive video (and therefore not the result of any screw up on Obama's part).

If he knew they were "acts of terror"/"terrorist attacks," why, oh why, did he mention the crappy movie trailer six, count' em, six, times during his speech at the UN? And why bother "rounding up the unusual suspect," totalitarian police state-style, and running an abject apology for his film on Pakistan TV?

Americans were the victims here. It is sickening that their president felt the need to apologize for the American people, and tried to pin the blame for his own fecklessness on a fifth-rate filmmaker.

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