Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Why the New "Human Rights" Mausoleum is Old Hat

Someone else has noticed that our national shrine to victimhood, which looks like this,

bears an stunning resemblance to distinctive military headgear, which looks like this:

A letter in the Winnipeg Sun clarifies the matter once and for all:
Re: Eerie resemblance, Letters, Oct. 22.
The helmets that Cindy Eaglesham refers to looking like Nazi helmets were actually German/Prussian First World War helmets. They do not represent an image of the Nazi’s as the Nazi party was not formed until after the end of the First World War by unemployed German soldiers. The Nazis did not form a government until 1933. There is no connection between the design of the human rights museum and the Nazi party as implied in her letter.
Bill Parkes
Well, maybe not once and for all, for the following questions remain: Why does a "human rights" edifice resemble any military chapeau? Isn't that what might be described as a glaring design flaw?

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