Thursday, April 30, 2015

John Kerry Derides Bibi's Iran "Mythology"

The contempt is palpable:
Attempts by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to secure a more stringent nuclear deal with Iran are “not gonna happen,” Secretary of State John Kerry said in an interview published Tuesday. 
“The whole mythology I’ve heard, from [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu to Republican members of the House and Senate — ‘Oh, just squeeze them to death, raise the sanctions’ — not gonna happen,” Kerry told the Washington Post. 
He said the deal in its current form would scale back the amount of time it would take Iran to produce enough fissile material to make a nuclear bomb from three months to one year, and it would require daily inspections of Iran’s enrichment facilities for the next “25 years.”...
"Daily inspections," eh? That's the real mythology, Icarus.

Update: Speaking of Icarus...

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